Product Information:
Indulge in the luxury of 200 pink roses showcased in our impressive GIANT basket at Trandy Flowers. This grand floral arrangement promises an extravagant display of elegance and charm.
Substitution Policy:
At Trandy Flowers, we understand the significance of delivering a bouquet that meets your expectations. While our photos may capture an overall theme with a distinctive vase, exact replication may not always be achievable.
If substitutions of flowers and/or containers become necessary due to weather, seasonality, or market conditions affecting availability, rest assured that we prioritize preserving the style, theme, and color scheme of your arrangement. We are committed to substituting items of equal or higher value to ensure your satisfaction.
For orders where specific design elements are of paramount importance, please include them in the florist instructions during checkout or reach out to Trandy Flowers directly to confirm availability. Your contentment with the final arrangement is our foremost priority.
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